Announcing The New and Improved Concert Platform

February 8, 2018


Latest update adds insurance coverage information and other enhancements to the market’s leading genetic test order management platform

Earlier today, we announced the release of the latest version of our genetic test ordering management system – The Concert Platform (formerly GeneConnect®) – adding compelling new capabilities to a platform used by leading hospitals and health systems across the country every day.

Our driving motivation in expanding the platform is to provide the data and digital infrastructure that stakeholders across healthcare need for reliable and efficient management of genetic testing. For years, the platform has connected healthcare providers and laboratories, enabling clinicians to search, compare, order and retrieve results of genetic tests from labs across the U.S.

With the latest release, we’ve focused on supporting the insurance workflow – adding health plan coverage information and prior authorization support tools – as well as enhancing the existing capabilities already available in the tool.

For more information about the features and benefits of the platform, view the product sheet here.


What this means for our customers

For users of our free search toolGenetic Test Finder – this release includes the addition of several new features, such as side-by-side panel comparisons and advanced filtering options (read more here).


For our subscribing provider organizations, this means more support for the insurance workflow, including:

  • Insurance coverage information on a test-specific basis,

  • Coverage criteria in a simple checklist format, and

  • Identification of which tests need prior authorization.

Many customers tell us these are critical capabilities at a time when coverage criteria for genetic tests is becoming more nuanced, and when prior authorization programs are increasingly requiring input directly from ordering clinicians.


For our health plan customers, the new capabilities in the platform open a channel for health insurers to communicate medical policies, network laboratories and prior authorization requirements to clinicians on a test-specific basis during the test ordering process.


For laboratory partners, these enhancements will enable us to further expand the user base of the platform and the corresponding exposure for partner labs who benefit from integrated ordering and result return. In addition, labs receive valuable ongoing market intelligence to prioritize the strategic direction of test development.


For the U.S. healthcare system overall, we are driven at a deep level to support the delivery of precision medicine at scale by helping connect the genetic health information network (more on that here). This release is another meaningful step toward a much bigger vision to provide the data and digital infrastructure that support this broader mission. We hope you agree that it’s a goal worth pursuing, and that technology like the Concert Platform is one of the many important elements of making that goal a reality.

Finally, as always, if you’d like to experience our products firsthand, check out our Genetic Test Finder here. It’s free to create an account, and the database behind it represents the U.S. clinical genetic testing market.

February 8, 2018


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